
The gym is available!

Please send your kid to line up in the gym before the class starts.

Please let your kids bring the pictures( My Family) they drew last week for the "Drawing contest"!

There is teacher's meeting after class.
No "After school programs"
this week!


Week 19 (2009/02/21)

Many thanks to Jennifer lao shi and Derek for helping out when I was away!

Homework for week 19:

  • Homework Book A finish Lesson 9 练习册第1A 第9课 p.61~p.67
  • HanYu PinYin Book 汉语拼音 p.37



I will be away for this weekend. Jennifer lao shi will be the substitute teacher.

Please send your kid to the classroom directly because the gym is still not available.

I will be back next week. See you then!


Happy Valentine's day!

情人节快乐! ("qing ren jie kuai le" Happy Valentine's day!)


Kid's Song 兒歌 : 猜拳歌

Important Notice:

I just found out that imeem had moved their host to Myspace Music.
It will take some time for me to import my playlists to Myspace. Please come back and check if the musics are available.

Kid's song: Rock, Paper, scissors

Rock, Paper, Scissors 猜拳歌 - Chinese Kids Song


xiao peng you wo men xing ge li


wo wo shou ya lai cai quan


shi tou pa ya kan shei ying


shu le qiu yao gen wo zou

No school tomorrow!

There is no school on Feb. 14 for "Family Day" long weekend!


元宵節快樂! Happy Lantern Festival!

Today is the first full moon of the lunar year. We celebrate it as 元宵節 ("yuan xiao jie" Lantern Festival)

The traditional food on 元宵節 is 元宵.

元宵節提燈籠 Story of " Lantern Festival"

Week 18 (2009/02/07)

Most of the students were late. We used the time to "刷牙" ("shua ya" brush teeth) when people kept coming in and out of the classroom.

We were pretty good at the beginning.
We wrote all the characters of lesson 9.

Some kids lost patience when we started PinYin class. They talked to each other while I taught a new song. We could not finish playing the game. Everybody was talking and walking around. I had to yell to get the kids' attention... A boy hit a girl... The girl was crying... I lost my voice...

Although most of the kids did not behave, I still handed out the Valentin's cards and candy. Because they won't be here next week.

Homework for week 18:
  • Homework Book A Lesson 9 练习册第1A 第9课 p.53~p.60
  • HanYu PinYin Book 汉语拼音 p.34


Attention Please!

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School will have some activities for couple weeks. The gym will not be available from Feb. 7 to Feb. 21.

Please send your kids to the classroom directly when attending school on these dates mentioned above.

PS. There is no school on Feb. 14 for "Family Day"!


Week 17 (2009/01/31)

There were only 5 students when the morning bell rang and we started singing. It was more fun when there were more kids in class.

I explained why students have to pay attention to the teacher in class again. I am glad that I get more responses from the kids now when I ask questions.

We played the game of matching week days in Chinese with week days in English. I am impressed that one boy volunteered to sing the Monkey's rhyme alone. Everybody gave him a big hand when he went back to his seat with a proud smile.

We had fun playing 响板( "xiang ban" castanets) while singing the Monkey's rhyme.

Homework for week 17:
  • Homework Book B finish Lesson 8 练习册第1B 第8课 p.42~p.55
  • HanYu PinYin Book 汉语拼音 p.30~31