
Please register your kid for 2009 school year's enrollment!

According to the District School Board's regulations, they approve the numbers of Chinese School's teachers in terms of student numbers.

For a better arrangement of the classes and enough time for recruiting teachers, we are pleased to invite parents to register your kid for 2009 school year's enrollment before May 30th.

Please fill in the forms and contact the office or home class for your child’s registration.

The forms are also available online:





Week 27 (2009/05/23)

Time really flies! Can you believe that it is almost the end of the school year?

We have two weeks before the final exam. We are going to use them for a good review.

I handed out a review sheet and showed the kids how much they had learned this year.
The review was a bit long. But everybody paid good attention and it went well. They all want to do well at the final exam. I am so proud of my young students.

I repeated the tip that I said many times: pay attention in class and do your homework.
It works for everything you learn. If you can study and practice those tips more, you will do well in every subject in school.

Homework for week 27:
  • Text Book 1 中文修订版1
    Review1 p.16~p.17 and 综合练习(二) Review2 p.34~p.35
  • Finish HanYu PinYin sheet


Summer School and 2009 school year’s enrollments

Summer School and 2009 school year’s enrollments start now.
Please fill in the forms and contact the office or home class for your child’s registration.

The forms are also available online:





Week 26 (2009/05/09)

Everyone was very good today. We made some Mother's Day cards . We had a very busy class, so busy that we almost did not have time to sing! I hope everybody had a fun time. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

Homework for week 26:
  • Homework Book B Lesson 12 练习册第1B 第12课 p.71 (3, 4) p.80 (5) p.81 (5)
  • HanYu PinYin Book 汉语拼音 p.55 read p.53 and 54
No class next week because of Victoria's Day.