Christmas Break!
Christmas break, no class!
I forgot to hand out a note last Saturday. Showed as below:
Dear Parents and Guardians, We will be having a Chinese New Years Assembly on January 17, 2009. The yearbook committee will be organizing a silent auction for this assembly. If you are interested you can donate some items for this activity. Anything would be good. The committee will decide a reasonable base price for each item that you have donated. All money raised will be going to the 2008-2009 yearbook. Please bring in the items by January 10, 2009. This is a great way to get rid of the old items in your homes!
Week 13 (2008/12/13)
We did some review before the test. Some kids counldn't wait and kept asking to do the test. Anyhow, I hope everybody did well.
After test, it was time for relaxation. We read a monkey rhyme and sang songs. I handed out the "surprise" that I promised last week.
It was the last class before Christmas. Wish all of you have a
Thank you for the gifts, cards, hugs and your big smiles!
You made my day!
Homework for week 13:
- Practice writing your Chinese name.
- Read the monkey rhyme
Midterm Test
Test coverage:
- Text Book 1 Lesson 1 to 6
(中文修订版第1册 第1课 ~ 第6课) - HanYu PinYin Book Lesson 1 to 8
(汉语拼音 第1课 ~ 第8课)
You will be fine if you paid attention in class!
Please bring pencils and crayons ( or markers) for the test. ( I will prepare some crayons.)
Don't forget to write both your Chinese and English names on your test!
I will also collect both your homework book A and B. Please write down your name on the covers before you hand them in.

Good luck!
Week 12 (2008/12/06)
There were big brothers and sisters singing songs. We got some candy canes. Some kids were upset because they didn't bring money for the activities. Unfortunately, I didn't have any money with me either! I will remember to bring some next time.
Homework for week 12:
- Homework Book B Lesson 6 练习册第1册B 第6课 p.32~41
- HanYu PinYin Book 汉语拼音 p.20~21
Christmas Assembly
There are activities for families.
Please come join us in the gym at 10:30am this Saturday!
PS. The class starts at 9:00am as usual and we won't have "snack time" this week!
Week 11 (2008/11/29)
I made new name tags with protection. I hope they will last longer.

We didn't have treats because some kids didn't behave. There was trash on the ground. Thanks for those who helped to pick them up before we left.
Homework for week 11:
- Homework Book B Lesson 6 练习册第1册B 第6课 p.28~31
- HanYu PinYin Book 汉语拼音 p.17~18