1. 先将纸两侧向中对角线折,回复原状留下折痕,重复另一侧。
Fold a square of paper in half diagonally. Unfold, rotate the paper then fold in half again. Unfold once more.

2. 将四个角往中心折。
Fold each of the four outer corners in turn to the centre.
3.翻到背面 Turn over

4. 将四个角往中心折。将算命结果写在三角形里
Fold each of the four outer corners in turn to the centre. Write fortunes in the 8 triangles

5. 翻到背面,写上东西南北
Turn over. Write 东西南北 in the 4 squares

6. 对折之后以两手拿着如图所示,利用现成折线挤压
Fold the model in half. Then hold it as shown and collapse using existing crease.

7. 将食指与拇指伸入四个口袋里
Place fingers and thumbs into the four respective pockets
让朋友挑一个号码 (手指张合的次数) 和方向,把他选的方向结果告诉他。
Ask your friend to pick a number and a direction (one of 东西南北). Pinch and separate your thumbs and index fingers several times according to the number then tell your friend his/her fortune inside the direction s/he pick.
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