
Halloween Event!

Our Grade 12 students will have a fundraising this Saturday.

They will lead younger kids to "trick or treating" and there will be some activities during recess.

Please have your kid dress up and bring some money if they want to join the activities.

Have fun on Halloween!


Kid's Song 兒歌 : 小蜜蜂

Important Notice:

I just found out that imeem had moved their host to Myspace Music.
It will take some time for me to import my playlists to Myspace. Please come back and check if the musics are available.

Kid's Song: Little Bees

Little Bees, 小蜜蜂 - Chinese Kids Song

嗡 嗡 嗡 ,嗡 嗡 嗡

weng weng weng , weng weng weng

大 家 一 齐 勤 做 工

de jia yi qi qin zou gong

来 冲 冲 ,去 冲 冲

lai chong chong , qu chong cnohg

做 工 兴 味 浓

zuo qong xing wai neng

天 暖 花 好 不 做 工

tian nuan ha hao bu zuo gong

将 来 哪 里 好 过 冬

jiang lai na li hao guo dong

嗡 嗡 嗡 ,嗡 嗡 嗡

weng weng weng , weng weng weng

别 学 懒 惰 虫

bie xue lan duo chong


After School Programs

Pinyin class
  • Time: 11:45am -12:15pm
  • Place: Classroom #213
  • Time: 11:45am - 12:45pm
  • Place: Classroom #123
Painting and Drawing
  • Time: 11:45am - 12:45pm
  • Place: Classroom #116
Martial Arts
  • Time: 11:45am - 12:45pm
  • Place: Gym

Students who are attending programs listed above can stay with me when class ends.
Let me know which class you are taking and I will take you there.


Week 7 (2008/10/25)

We had our seats arranged today. The seats will be rotated every week.

The test results were given back and most of us did a great job. It is OK if you didn't do well on your test. All you have to do is pay more attention when you are in class and do your homework every week.

We had our snack time after recess. Every one had enough time to go out and play and use the washroom.

Homework for week 7:

  • Homework Book B Lesson 4 练习册第1B 第4课 p.15~19
  • HanYu PinYin Book 汉语拼音 p.7~8


Dear parents of class MG1

As the school policy: No student is allowed to be in the classroom before 9:00. Please send your kid to line up in the gym. I will bring them in when class starts.

Let your kid bring some snacks and drinks if she/he demands. I will also prepare some treats occasionally. Please let me know if there are any concerns.

I will stay in the classroom until 12:00. Please feel free to discuss with me if you have any questions. Please do not interrupt the class.

Week 6 (2008/10/18)

We had a test today!

Before the test, we did some review. I think that really helped because most of the students did a great job on their test!

There was no one went to washroom except of emergency.
With so many achievements, we had some treats before we went home.

Well done! Kids.
No homework for this week!


First Test!

We are going to have a test on 10/18.

Test coverage:
  • Text Book 1 Lesson 1 to 3
    (中文修订版第1册 第1课 ~ 第3课)
  • HanYu PinYin Book Lesson 1 to 2
    (汉语拼音 第1课 ~ 第2课)
You will be fine if you did your homework!
Don't forget to write both your Chinese and English names on your test!

Good luck!


Happy Turkey!

No class this week.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Rules of the classroom

There are rules for our classroom:

Rule #1: Don't touch anything that does not belong to you.
  • We are borrowing the classroom from St. Catherine. It will be appreciated if we don't touch their stuff.
Rule #2: Go to the washroom during recess time.
  • You are big kids now. IF you really have to go, Please raise your hand and say:
    ( lao shi wo yao shang ce suo)
    (Teacher, I want to go to the washroom.)

    Do that only when it's emergency and only the person who raises the hand can go. Come back as soon as possible.
Rule #3: Eat and drink your snack only in the classroom.
  • It's St. Catherine's policy not to eat outside the classroom. Don't bring your food to the playground and don't leave anything behind you!

There are only 3 easy rules to follow. So far we have done pretty well on rule #1 and # 3.
We still have to work on rule #2. It's not nice to let everybody waiting for you and you are playing in the washroom during class. We've been practicing the phrase
: "老师,我要上厕所" ( lao shi wo yao shang ce suo) and please use it when it's needed.

加油! (jia you)

Kid's Song 兒歌 : 郊遊

Important Notice:

I just found out that imeem had moved their host to Myspace Music.
It will take some time for me to import my playlists to Myspace. Please come back and check if the musics are available.

Kid's Song: Hiking!

Hiking - Chinese Kids Song

走 走 走 走 走 我 們 小 手 拉 小 手

zou zou zou zou zou wo men xiao shou la xiao sho

走 走 走 走 走 一 同 去 郊 遊

zou zou zou zou zou yi tong qu jiao you

白 雲 悠 悠 陽 光 柔 和

bai yun you you yang guang rou he

青 山 綠 水 一 片 景 象

qing shan lu shui yi pian jing xiang

走 走 走 走 走 我 們 小 手 拉 小

zou zou zou zou zou wo men xiao shou la xiao sho

走 走 走 走 走 一 同 去 郊 遊

zou zou zou zou zou yi tong qu jiao you

Week 5 (2008/10/04)

We are here to learn Mandarin!

We are here to learn how to
listen, speak, read, and write Chinese!

(ting), (shuo), (du), (xie), 中文(zhong wen)!

We put away our pencils, crayons, markers and everybody wrote big, invisible words in the air!
Following the teacher, we learned how to write the word and pronounce it

Instead of writing in the class and not paying attention to the teacher, we save the writing for homework!

Homework for week 5:
  • Homework Book A Lesson 3 练习册第1A 第3课 p.13~26

Once again, there are quite a bit... You don't have to finish it. Just do as much as you can but no more than what was assigned.