
Week 30 (2009/06/13)

It was our last day for this school year. I was glad to see that most of my students showed up. I gave them their report cards along with awards and prizes.

It is OK if you do not get a good mark.
The most important thing is that you really learned something from the the classes.

We had to carry our chairs to the gym for the assembly. That was a challenge for my large and young class. Anyway, we made it through the crowded hall way and got set in our position in the gym.

We were the second class to go up to the stage after the speeches. We did not sing as loud as we usually do. It was OK! It really looked scary up on the tall stage. Even though we did not sing really loudly on the stage, it was fine because we had fun singing during the classes.

The program was too long for little kids. They took turns going to the washroom with me. I took care of one girl who got a bloody nose... When it ended we got all our chairs back to the classroom. Good job! I am so proud of you guys!

I encourage my students to use their Chinese names more, to speak Mandarin more, don't give up learning Chinese if they don't come back next year, pay attention in class and do their homework...

I open the door, hugged everyone, wished them a good summer and let them go home.


Graduation and year end celebration!

Tomorrow will be the last day of our school year. Please sign and bring in the student's information sheet if your kid is coming back next year.

For those who did not register your kid, please come back and enroll your child in September.

We will hand out report cards, awards, and some prizes. Please come and joint our celebration!


Week 29 (2009/06/06)

We had the quietest class ever!

I was very impressed that everybody was so concentrated on the exam. I bet everyone did a great job!

We sang the Monkey's Rhyme and had fun when we went up to the front and performed in groups. We did some Pokemon colorings. Some kids were impatient and only used one color, but they did better on the second one.
You can do a great job if you work harder!

We practice the song that we are going to sing next week. Before we left for home, we gave each other "
爱的鼓励"! ("ai de gu li " Love Cheers!)

Way to Go! Kiddos! No Homework!


Final Exam!

We are going to have a Final Exam on this Saturday.
Test coverage:
  • Text Book 1 Lesson 1 to 12
    (中文修订版第1册 第1课 ~ 第12课)
  • HanYu PinYin Book Lesson 1 to 18
    (汉语拼音 第1课 ~ 第18课)
The style of the final exam will be the combination of the three previous tests.
Students will have to write their Chinese names without looking at their name tags.
Please bring some pencils for the test.

You will be fine if you paid attention in the class in the past two weeks, as well as review the sheets I handed out.

Study hard, and good luck!


Week 28 (2009/05/30)

We are almost there!
Well done kiddos!

Homework for week 28:
  • Text Book 1 中文修订版第1册
    综合练习(四) Review4 p.76 and 79 and 总练习 Exercises p.80~p.84
  • Finish HanYu PinYin sheet
  • Practice writing your Chinese name