
Kid's Song 兒歌 : 造飞机

Important Notice:

I just found out that imeem had moved their host to Myspace Music.
It will take some time for me to import my playlists to Myspace. Please come back and check if the musics are available.

Make A Plane, 造飛機 - Chinese Kids Song

造飞机 造飞机 来到青草地

zao fei ji zao fei ji lai dao qing cao di

蹲下来蹲下来 我做推进器

dun xia lai dun xia lai wo zuo tui jin qi

蹲下去蹲下去 你做飞机翼

dun xia qu dun xia qu ni zuo fei ji yi

弯着腰 弯着腰 飞机做得好

wan zhe yao wan zhe yao fei ji zuo de hao

飞上去 飞上去 飞到白云里

fei shang qu fei shang qu fei dao bai yun li

Why we paste the “春联” ( "chun lian" ) upside down?

It is tradition to make some“春联” ( "chun lian" Chinese New Year Banners) on Chinese New Year. We write lucky words on a piece of red paper and paste it on the doors, windows, walls, or anything we work with such as the car or computer and hope it brings good luck.

Long time ago, a person accidentally pasted the banner upside down. When the bypasser saw it and shouted out loud:“春倒了” ( “chun dao le” Spring is upside down!). But it sound just like:“春到了” (“chun dau le” Spring is here!).

From then on, People paste the lucky words upside down on purpose. That is why we see the inverted chun lian nowadays!

年的由來 Story of Chinese New Year


Week 16 (2009/01/24)

We are half way through our classes already! I will speak in Mandarin more and more from now on. If you pay attention to me you will learn some useful conversations.

I gave back the birds and promised that we will make more of them if we have time in future classes.

We played a PinYin game named " shoot basket".

I gave back the "春聯" ( "chun lian" Chinese New Year Banners) and showed everyone how to paste it. We also made another one with the character "" ( Good luck) on it.

We sang a new song "造飞机" (Make a plane) before the class ended. The boys started running again. Maybe it was the music that made them hyper...

Anyway! I hope everybody have a very happy Chinese new year and get some big red envelops from your relatives!

Homework for week 16:
  • Homework Book B Lesson 8 练习册第1B 第8课 p.42 开, 了, 车 P.47 真, 高, 兴 p.50 and p.54
  • HanYu PinYin Book 汉语拼音 p.27~28


Kid's Rhyme: Little Monkey (Updated 2009/01/25)

今天星期一 猴子穿新衣

jin tian xing gi yi hou zi chuan xin yi

(Today is Monday. Monkey wears new cloth.)

今天星期二 猴子肚子饿

jin tian xing gi er hou zi du zi er

(Today is Tuesday. Monkey is hungry.)

今天星期三 猴子去爬山

jin tian xing gi san hou zi qu pa shan

(Today is Wednesday. Monkey goes hiking.)

今天星期四 猴子看电视

jin tian xing gi si hou zi kan dian shi

(Today is Thursday. Monkey watches TV.)

今天星期五 猴子去跳舞

jin tian xing gi wu hou zi qu tiao wu

(Today is Friday. Monkey goes dancing.)

今天星期六 猴子到斗六

jin tian xing gi liu hou zi dao dou liu

(Today is Saturday. Monkey visits dou liu.)

今天星期天 猴子乐翻天

jin tian xing gi tian hou zi le fan tian

(Today is Sunday. Monkey is overjoyed.)

Remark: 斗六 (dou liu) is a little town in Taiwan where grows the most delicious pomeloes in the world.


Origami: 点头鸟 Nodding Bird

1. 先将纸两侧向中线折
Fold a square of paper in half diagonally. Bring together two opposite corners.

2. 翻到背面, 两侧向内折

Turn over then fold the two sides inward.

3. 翻到背面, 向左折

Turn over then fold the right side to the left.

4. 对折, 再外翻折成鸟颈
Fold in half and outside reverse fold into bird's neck.

5. 外翻折成鸟嘴

Outside reverse fold into a beak.

6. 完成! Done!

Insert thumb and index finger to make the bird nod.


Week 15 (2009/01/17)

Some of you dressed up for the special occasion. You were very cute in those beautiful dresses. Just like little princesses.

I showed the kids the display board I made for our class. Everybody was excited and pointed out the birds they made. I told them the story about "春聯" ( "chun lian" Chinese New Year Banners). I promised that I would give them back their birds and the 春聯 next week.

We spent some time learning lesson 7.

There was a bit of chaos while practicing the monkey rhyme. Some boys started running and chasing each other. As well, no one wanted to stand in the front line because no body wanted to be the" little" one. Anyhow, we managed to practice a couple of times and built up some confidence.

We used the washroom before we gathered in the gym. Lots of guests and parents were already there. The program began on time. Finally it was our turn to go on stage. It was wide enough for us to stand in one line. We were the biggest group who went on stage. We were also the second youngest group in the whole show.

Although we were a little bit nervous, we had big smiles on our faces. We got a big applause when we finished and took a bow.

Way to go! Kiddos!

Homework for week 15:
  • Homework Book A finish Lesson 7 练习册第1A 第7课


Chinese New Year Assembly

We are going to celebrate Chinese New Year this weekend. The program will start at 10:30am in the gym. There will also be some display of our works. You are very welcomed to come earlier and have a look at it.

Students, please be on time because we will have a rehearsal in the gym. It will be better if you dress up. Please practice the monkey rhyme at home and try to remember it. Many thanks to Principle Hsieh and Alice lao shi for squeezing us in the program. However, we are not going to sing the friend's song this time.

There will be no time for snacks and no after school programs.


Week 14 (2009/01/10)

We sang and danced in the gym before we headed to the classroom. It was easier and more fun because there was more space in the gym.

After everybody found their seat, I handed out the test results and homework books.
The perfect mark for the midterm test is 120! I am very proud that many of you got more then 100.

Most of you did a great job. Only two of you didn't write down your Chinese name on the test. It is OK if you did not get a good mark as long as you really learned something!
Obviously, It really helps you learn if you pay attention at class and do your homework. A little tip for you: it is easier for you to do your homework every week rather then accumulating them until before the test.

We learned some words from lesson 7 and had snack before recess.

We made the "nodding bird" by folding paper.
It was fun practicing the monkey rhyme. Everybody was excited about next week when we are going to celebrate Chinese New Year. Before the end of the class, we learned new PinYin while there were still time.

What a busy day!

Homework for week 14:
  • Homework Book A Lesson 7 练习册第1A 第7课 p.39~40 and p.43/6(1)~(6)
  • HanYu PinYin Book 汉语拼音 p.23~25