After everybody found their seat, I handed out the test results and homework books. The perfect mark for the midterm test is 120! I am very proud that many of you got more then 100.
Most of you did a great job. Only two of you didn't write down your Chinese name on the test. It is OK if you did not get a good mark as long as you really learned something!
We learned some words from lesson 7 and had snack before recess.

It was fun practicing the monkey rhyme. Everybody was excited about next week when we are going to celebrate Chinese New Year. Before the end of the class, we learned new PinYin while there were still time.
What a busy day!
Homework for week 14:
- Homework Book A Lesson 7 练习册第1册A 第7课 p.39~40 and p.43/6(1)~(6)
- HanYu PinYin Book 汉语拼音 p.23~25
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