I showed the kids the display board I made for our class. Everybody was excited and pointed out the birds they made. I told them the story about "春聯" ( "chun lian" Chinese New Year Banners). I promised that I would give them back their birds and the 春聯 next week.
We spent some time learning lesson 7. There was a bit of chaos while practicing the monkey rhyme. Some boys started running and chasing each other. As well, no one wanted to stand in the front line because no body wanted to be the" little" one. Anyhow, we managed to practice a couple of times and built up some confidence.
We used the washroom before we gathered in the gym. Lots of guests and parents were already there. The program began on time. Finally it was our turn to go on stage. It was wide enough for us to stand in one line. We were the biggest group who went on stage. We were also the second youngest group in the whole show.
Although we were a little bit nervous, we had big smiles on our faces. We got a big applause when we finished and took a bow.
Homework for week 15:
- Homework Book A finish Lesson 7 练习册第1册A 第7课
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