
Kid's Song 兒歌 : 造飞机

Important Notice:

I just found out that imeem had moved their host to Myspace Music.
It will take some time for me to import my playlists to Myspace. Please come back and check if the musics are available.

Make A Plane, 造飛機 - Chinese Kids Song

造飞机 造飞机 来到青草地

zao fei ji zao fei ji lai dao qing cao di

蹲下来蹲下来 我做推进器

dun xia lai dun xia lai wo zuo tui jin qi

蹲下去蹲下去 你做飞机翼

dun xia qu dun xia qu ni zuo fei ji yi

弯着腰 弯着腰 飞机做得好

wan zhe yao wan zhe yao fei ji zuo de hao

飞上去 飞上去 飞到白云里

fei shang qu fei shang qu fei dao bai yun li


  1. This Blog is absolutely fantastic. I just wish I could sit in with my daughter in your class! It looks like so much fun! Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into this. It makes it a lot easier for those who are not lucky enough to know Mandarin! Lynda

  2. Thank you Lynda!

    I am glad to know that this blog is helpful.


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